Create a 100% free gift registry.

Gather everything together on one list
With no limits on which brands or shops you choose, you can add any gift to your list no matter where it is from. You can also add a project, a trip or services . . . everything is possible

Add gifts with a few clicks
Simply open your list and add your desired items in a few clicks. For each gift, you can add a photo, a price, a description, an Internet link or a shop. It’s also possible to create a pool and divide a gift into several parts. To help you we also provide you with: our search engine (more than 250,000 gifts already added by our users) or our magic button to easily add items from any site. .

Receive gifts in cash and/or in person
Your loved ones can choose specifically what they contribute from your list. You can choose the way you would like to receive your gifts. It can be in person – you can indicate for example the shop/site where you saw the coveted object. You can also receive the gifts directly by transfer to your regular bank account – without going through an intermediary account (which means no fees). The payment can also be made by credit card to your PayPal account, or, most easily, by postal cheque, by hand or in a box on the day of the event. You are the one who decides.

Easily spend the money you receive
Since the gifts from your loved ones arrive directly to your bank account, you can use them the way you want and when you want, at your own pace and according to your needs.

You have the option to add a welcome message, a photo example, a personal description of each gift or a nice "background” . . . so many things that will make looking at your list a pleasant and user-friendly experience. Your loved ones will be more generous when they can see a personalized list and a concrete presentation of the gifts and/or projects that they will contribute to.

If you would like, you can add a password to hide your list until the big day, preventing it from appearing in search engines. Your privacy is important.

Giving from your list
Reserving a gift is easy. Your loved ones can find your list on our site using your last name. If you would like, you can also create a personalised address to put on your announcement. Kadolog is compatible with all PCs, tablets and smartphones and is available in several languages. You don’t have to sign up to give a gift. If your loved ones have questions, we are available to help and we will respond to them within 24h.

Keep an eye on the gifts you receive in real time. You can mark the gifts already received or those for which you have already sent a thank-you note. Everything is set up for a perfect follow-up to your list.